Congressman Scott Taylor Proves He Is Definitely Not Racist: "My Son Is Named After A Black Guy"

The Hill“I don’t give a shit about Corey Stewart,” Taylor told The Virginia-Pilot. “No one else does either except for Democrats who are trying to target me. … No one cares, except for a small teeny amount of people you met at the cupcake place. What are they trying to say? That Scott Taylor likes Corey Stewart so therefore he’s a racist?”

“Do you think that’s going to play here?” Taylor continued. “My son is named after a black guy. I’m a military guy. We don’t give a shit about where you come from. Black, white, brown, gay, straight. I don’t care.”

It is unclear who Taylor’s 5-year-old son, reportedly named Sterling, is named after.

Game, set, match. Just when you think you’ve caught yourself a racist one, he dunks on you and drops that his son is named after a black guy. Suck on that one Democrats. How dumb do you feel? I bet Congressman Taylor even has a black friend or two. Probably orders his coffee from a black barista every morning and is polite to said barista. I could see him witnessing a young black girl selling water without a permit and not calling the police.

Sound racist to you? Didn’t think so.

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